About Us
The NZRF was formed in 1989 with its first meeting at Green Bay in Auckland, with the aim of bringing Rotumans in Aotearoa together. As a people living away from the original homeland of Rotuma and Fiji, many Rotumans living in Aotearoa, in the earlier days were scattered and felt isolated from each other and from their culture.
Through the foresight of Rev Jione Langi (founder) and the support and encouragement of a few original members some of whom included Espasio Fuata, the NZ Rotuman Fellowship was formed to gather Rotumans as a people, to support and affirm families through language and culture, and to keep alive these values especially for our children in Aotearoa. Each year, Rotuman culture is celebrated twice. On Rotuma Day (13-May) and at Labour weekend where all Rotumans gather to progress initiatives at a national level and to launch new projects that encourage the teachings of Rotuman traditions.
Over the years the group has had the privilege of hosting prominent guests including his excellency Jioje Konrote, the President of Fiji and Elizabeth Inia, a well respected teacher of culture and language who has authored many books and resources that Rotuman communities around the world use to this day.
In 2019 (30 years later) the group has grown it’s membership and includes under the NZRF umbrella:
Wellington Rotuman Group
Led by Joshua Tafilagi and historically covers the South Island up to Taranaki.
Mairani Rotuman Group
Led by Darlene Inia and covers Taranaki to Northland.
Rotuman Youth of NZ
Led by Heleina Erasito and Nic Narayan (all of New Zealand) The programmes and initiatives developed by the NZ Rotuman Fellowship are collaborative projects that purposefully look to benefit all Rotumans living in Aotearoa.
While the NZRF proudly encourages each regional group to develop its own approach to supporting the local Rotuman community, all groups remain dedicated to sharing the benefits and learnings of these initiatives at a national level, amongst all groups to constantly move Rotuman people forward together.